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Liquid-cooled generators are typically more expensive than air-cooled generators.

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Question: Liquid-cooled generators are typically more expensive than air-cooled generators.
Top Answer (78% of 28 votes): True.

Answer: True
Explanation: Liquid-cooled generators are more expensive because they require more parts and design considerations; however, they are more efficient and can handle larger loads.
Answer: True
Explanation: Additionally, liquid-cooled generators are typically more powerful and can handle larger loads than air-cooled generators. However, Liquid cooled generators are more expensive and complex than air cooled generator.
Ross Electric Company
Answer: True
Explanation: Liquid cooled generators do tend to be slightly more in price than air cooled
LVC Electric inc
Answer: False
Explanation: Most home generators nowadays are air cooled there are not too many generators that are liquid cooled and this is a special purchase that would only be used in special applications in larger Generators Commercial Larger implications
Kikiwatt electrical
Answer: True
Explanation: More parts needed to build so typically more expensive
My Electrician
Answer: True
Explanation: Liquid call Generators are typically in the 22 KW range and above. Using an automotive grade engine they are liquid cooled. In most applications we can use an air call Generator which is smaller and can be connected with Smart load management modules so that you do not need a bigger generator just a smarter Generator.
Power Now Solutions , Inc.
Answer: True
Explanation: Yes but Generator shouldn't be running that long to make much difference
Advanced Electrical and Energy
Answer: True
Explanation: Yes they are about $4-5000 more than air cooled , they have a radiator like a car.
DiBiagio Electrical Construction llc
Answer: True
Explanation: Liquid cool units tend to be larger so is the expense of installing them
Mohrmann Electric Co.Inc.
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