Can a backup generator power a furnace or air-conditioner? | Always | 13% | Usually | 50% | Sometimes | 27% | Rarely | 4% | Not sure | 4% | | | Question: Can a backup generator power a furnace or air-conditioner? Top Answer (50% of 22 votes): Usually.
Answer: Always Explanation: Would need to determine the full load size and equipment that must be powered in an outage. | RAC Electrical Services` | Answer: Sometimes Explanation: Generally Backup Generators provide power for Life Safety equipment.
If the generator isn't required for Life Safety and is installed as an Optional Standby then the customer can choose whatever they want to back up.
Sometimes Heat/Air Conditioning is critical to the operation of a facility. | ElectriTech, Inc. | Answer: Usually Explanation: If you have one that meets KW for it | Roche Electric & Consulting | | ProMatcher | Answer: Sometimes Explanation: Depending on the size of the generator most generators can run a central air condition system and the furnace as well as other essential circuits within the home. | Power Now Solutions , Inc. | Answer: Always Explanation: Yes mor kl watt | EMP industries | Answer: Usually Explanation: Before purchasing a generator calculate the load | Advanced Electrical and Energy | | ProMatcher | Answer: Sometimes Explanation: depends on load | GREEN ELECTRIC | Answer: Usually Explanation: We have ways to delay large use items like electric ovens or central air conditioning units from starting up with the generator. Once the generator warms up then these additional "loads" are introduced | Mohrmann Electric Co.Inc. |