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All standby generators must be installed outdoors.

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Question: All standby generators must be installed outdoors.
Top Answer (61% of 34 votes): True.

Answer: True
Explanation: Generators produce carbon monoxide and should never be used indoors or in partially enclosed spaces.
Answer: False
Explanation: Standby generators do not necessarily have to be installed outdoors. While many standby generators are installed outdoors for proper ventilation and ease of connection to fuel sources, there are also options available for indoor installations. Indoor installations typically require proper ventilation and compliance with building codes and safety regulations. The suitability of indoor installation depends on factors such as available space, ventilation requirements, fuel sources, and local regulations.
EVie Electric Inc.
Answer: True
Explanation: Manufacturer requirements recommend standby generators should ALWAYS be installed outside and placed at least 5' from doors or windows, vents, and flammable materials. I typically prefer 10' as an added safety measure where possible. Safety is job #1 Carbon monoxide is deadly!
RAC Electrical Services`
Answer: False
Explanation: Generators can be installed in designated spaces within a facility provided all applicable codes can be met.
ElectriTech, Inc.
Answer: True
Explanation: Per national and local codes.
Clear Electrical Solutions, LLC
Answer: False
Explanation: Not all generators have to be installed it is most cost-effective to install the generator on the exterior of the building some fire stations and buildings have their generators indoors this is a lot more work and quite a bit more costly due to the codes required and ventilation needs for the exhaust of the generator
Kikiwatt electrical
Answer: True
Explanation: nec code states all generators will be outside
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: No where in the NEC does it state locating a generator indoors or out, but for safety sake all fossil fuel run generators should be installed outdoors. Check your local building codes on placement
My Electrician
Answer: True
Explanation: Standby generators are not permitted to be installed indoors. As they give off carbon monoxide which can be fatal to those in the home.
Power Now Solutions , Inc.
Answer: True
Explanation: Exhaust and carbon monoxide
Advanced Electrical and Energy
Answer: False
Explanation: They must be exhausted to the outside of a building.
Kingdom Electric
Answer: True
Explanation: because of harmful gases and fumes, all generators should be installed outdoor.
Pro-Precision Electrical Contacting LLC
Answer: False
Explanation: additional exhaust piping will be needed,I would recommend outdoors only much safer
Answer: True
Explanation: In a residential situation YES!
Mohrmann Electric Co.Inc.
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